Submission of levels of service at general road routine maintenance

Alexander Kanin, National Transport University, Professor of Department of Transport Construction and Property Management,

Anna Kharchenko, National Transport University, Associate Professor of Department of Transport Construction and Property Management,

Natalia Sokolova, National Transport University, Associate Professor of Department of Transport Construction and Property Management,


Abstract: The article deals with the problems of substantiation of service levels in long-term maintenance contracts of public roads. It has been established that the requirements for the operating condition of road elements in existing regulatory documents are rather complete, but they are unsystematized, which complicates the process of their processing in order to conclude a long-term contract for maintenance of roads. It has been determined that according to the world experience, the problem of substantiation of service levels should be considered with detail at the level of the individual defect.

The research object is a long-term contract based on end-of-life performance (service levels) of public roads.

The subject of research - levels of service - requirements for the operational state of general roads.

The purpose of the study is to substantiate the levels of service in long-term contracts for the maintenance of public roads.

Research methods - analysis and theoretical generalization of the world experience in substantiating service levels when implementing long-term maintenance contracts of roads.

The conducted studies have shown that simulation modeling, in particular, the Monte Carlo method, should be used to solve the problem of substantiation of service levels. In this case, the indicators of the level of maintenance of the elements of roads should be set better than the maximum permissible in terms of ensuring safety, speed and comfort of motion and the requirements for the preservation of elements of roads.


Article language: Ukrainian



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Open Access:


Online publication date: 25.02.2021


Print date: 01.02.2021

