The scientific and technical collection "Roads and road construction" publishes materials that reflect in the form of scientific developments scientific-theoretical (analytical), scientific-practical (experimental-research) and review publications of scientists and specialists of transport and construction complex, scientific institutions and industry to solve modern problems and problems in areas that correspond to specialties in the fields of knowledge in which higher education is trained (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 29.04.2015 № 266 (as amended by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from July 7, 2021 № 762)):

051 “Economics”;
073 “Management”;
075 "Marketing";
076 "Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities";
124 "System analysis";
133 «Branch mechanical engineering» (Machines for the construction of transport infrastructure, production of building materials and products);
183 “Environmental protection technology”;
192 “Building and civil engineering”;
193 “Geodesy and land management”;
194 “Hydrotechnical construction, water engineering and water technology”;
