Forest areas remote monitoring within the limits of transport objects impact

Dmytro Liashenko, National Transport University, Professor of Road Design, Geodesy and Land Management Department,

Dmytro Pavliuk, National Transportation University, Professor of Road Design, Geodesy and Land Management Department,

Vadym Belenok, National Aviation University, associate professor of Aerospace Geodesy and Land Management Department,

Vitalii Babii, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of Geology, Assistant of Geoinformatics Department,


Abstract: The article studies the issues of using remote sensing data for the tasks of ensuring sustainable nature management in the territories within the influence of transport infrastructure objects. Peculiarities of remote monitoring for tasks of transport networks design and in the process of their operation are determined. The paper analyzes the development of modern remote sensing methods (satellite imagery, the use of mobile sensors installed on cars or aircraft). A brief overview of spatial data collecting methods for the tasks of managing the development of territories within the influence of transport infrastructure (roads, railways, etc.) has made. The article considers the experience of using remote sensing technologies to monitor changes in the parameters of forest cover in the Transcarpathian region (Ukraine) in areas near to highways, by use Landsat imagery.


Article language: Ukrainian



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Open Access:


Online publication date: 25.02.2021


Print date: 01.02.2021

