Research of methods for the purification of surface sewage waters from highways with the use of modern filtering materials

Yevheniia Ugnenko, Ukrainian state university of railway transport, Head by Researches and Designing communications, geodesy and land management,Х

Nataliia Sorochuk, Ukrainian state university of railway transport, assistant of the Department of Researches and Designing communications, geodesy and land management,

Olha Tymchenko, Ukrainian state university of railway transport, associate professor of the Department of Researches and Designing communications, geodesy and land management,

Olha Tymchenko, Ukrainian state university of railway transport, associate professor of the Department of Researches and Designing communications, geodesy and land management,

Volodymyr Petrovich, National Transport University, Professor of the Transportation Construction and Property Management Department,


Abstract: The general properties of modern filtering materials of the new generation, such as natural zeolites, are considered. The aspects for the use of natural zeolites for the purification of surface sewage waters from highways are analyzed. It is determined that zeolites are an extremely promising natural raw material, which is characterized by high technological parameters and the absence of negative environmental consequences in their widespread use. Mathematical models of aerobic and anaerobic biological treatment of surface sewage waters are presented. One of the ways to increase the efficiency of biological treatment is the introduction of a biosorption method based on the joint biological and adsorption treatment of sewage waters in time and space. The simulation results made it possible to evaluate the adequacy of the mathematical models used to describe the dynamics of the purification of surface sewage waters from highways using natural zeolites in order to provide further recommendations and optimal control of sewage treatment plants during biological treatment. An improved mathematical model can be used to determine the quality of surface sewage waters from highways. As a result of experimental studies, the efficiency of using alternative filtering natural materials has been determined. The introduction of new cleaning methods with the use of natural zeolites solves the problem of improving the technical level of roads, traffic safety and environmental performance.


Article language: English



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Open Access:


Online publication date: 25.02.2021


Print date: 01.02.2021
