Analysis factors affecting formation on the clutch durability between asphalt-concrete layers of road clothing

Liydmyla Levkivska, National Transport University, associate professor department of high mathematics,

Jafar Musa Elallak, Postgraduate student of the National Transport University, Department of Road Construction Materials and Chemistry.


Abstract: This article reflects the importance of the road network for the social development of society and the development of the economy of the country as a whole. On the basis of literary sources provides complex analysis of roads in Ukraine, their current functional state and tendencies of development. It is established that the road industry is in a rather difficult situation due to unsatisfactory transport and operational conditions of the vast majority of Ukrainian roads. Construction of new roads is extremely rare because of lack of financial resources. Road works are usually carried out to preserve the network of already existing roads and to ensure their necessary transport and operational status.

According to the results of the analysis, one of the main reasons for the premature destruction of newly constructed or repaired non-rigid pavements is the low strength of interlayer adhesion in the contact area of the newly covered material with the layer below. The effect of clutch durability between asphalt layers on the road strength has been studied in detail. A number of factors that affect the quality of clutch durability between layers are analyzed.

It is established that in order to ensure the strength of grafting between asphalt concrete layers of road clothing, it is necessary to strictly observe the technological regimes of their laying, above all temperature; to take into account the physical and mechanical properties of materials at the construction stage and the influence of climatic and mechanical factors, or most often their complex effect on the operation of the highway.


 Article language: Ukrainian



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Open Access:


Online publication date: 25.02.2021


Print date: 01.02.2021              
