Risks of private investors in financing housing construction

Natalia Sokolova, National Transport University, Associate Professor of the Department of Transport Construction and Property Management, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0678-8882

Bogdan Yatsenko, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Transport Technologies, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7080-7254

Vladimir Petrovich, National Transport University, Professor of the Transportation Construction and Property Management Department, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0422-2535

Olena Usychenko, National Transport University, Professor, Department of Transportation Construction and Property Management, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7482-8420


Abstract: In public are considered the functioning features of mechanism of financing of housing construction through the Construction Financing Fund (CFF), the main investor risks of using CFF and pre-conditions of their origins are defined. It is educed that decision-making about investing using CFF must consist of two stages: on the first stage a bailiff chooses an investment project, initiator and proprietor the Builder, on the second stage the choice of object of investing is made by investor. The principles of choice and the model of choosing the Builder by bailiff are developed; the principles, model and methods of Investor's choice of investment object are offered. The control system was developed to monitor the pre- conditions of risk origins. The suggestions of legislative base improvements in relation to CFF are developed to decrease the risks of investors.


Article language: English



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Open Access: http://publications.ntu.edu.ua/avtodorogi_i_stroitelstvo/109/245.pdf


Online publication date: 25.02.2021


Print date: 01.02.2021

