Investigation of the influence of surfaces between basic stations and satisfactory recognition on the accuracy of coordinating definitions
Natalia Neizvestna, National Transport University, Department of Road Designing, Geodesy and Land Management, PhD in technical science, Associate Professor,
Anna Khomiak, National Transport University, Department of Road Designing, Geodesy and Land Management, PhD in technical science, Associate Professor,
Sibilla Omelchuk, National Transport University, Department of Road Designing, Geodesy and Land Management, PhD in technical science, Associate Professor,
Marya Malko, National Transport University, Associate Professor of the Department of Transport Engineering and Management,
Abstract: The distance between different base stations and the mobile receiver, as well as errors of coordinate definitions at different distances between the base station and the mobile receiver are investigated. For realization of the set tasks the following methods of research were applied: field measurements, mathematical modeling method and methods of mathematical statistics for the processing of experimental data. The degree of influence of distances between the base station and the satellite receiver on accuracy of coordinate definitions in RTK-mode is established.
Article language: Ukrainian
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Open Access:
Online publication date: 25.02.2021
Print date: 01.02.2021