Calculation method steel reinforced concrete continuous bridge spans with two reinforced concrete slabs on the effect of concrete shrinkage

Valerii Snytko, National Transport University, Department of Bridges, tunnels and hydraulic structures, Professor,


Abstract: The article is considered calculation method steel reinforced concrete continuous bridge spans with two reinforced concrete slabs on the effect of concrete shrinkage. For long-term processes that must be considered when calculating the span structures of bridges, besides creep, concrete shrinkage applies.

Object of study: composite steel and concrete span beam bridge with two reinforced concrete slabs.

Purpose: to develop a calculation method the cross section steel reinforced concrete bridges with two reinforced concrete slabs on the effect of concrete shrinkage considering concrete creep.

Continuous spans of steel reinforced concrete bridges with two reinforced concrete slabs over intermediate supports much more economically, in terms of metal consumption, compared to steel reinforced concrete bridges with one concrete slab. Cross section of a reinforced reinforced concrete beam consists of a steel part that combined with two reinforced concrete slabs. The article presents the results of the calculation of continuous steel-concrete superstructure of a road bridge with two reinforced concrete slabs by the above method.


 Article language: Ukrainian



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Open Access:


Online publication date: 25.02.2021


Print date: 01.02.2021

